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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  February 12, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PST

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12. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. 5:01 now. developing news in the city of vallejo. who shot one man to death and wounded four others? that's what police want to know after a violent incident happened last night. kpix 5 reporter elissa harrington is in vallejo this morning with what we know so far. >> reporter: good morning. the victim has only been identified as a man in his 20s. he and another man were found suffering from gunshot wounds inside of that garage on the 800 block of humboldt street. police were first called out here last night around 8:30 after neighbors reported hearing gunshots. police arrived to find two gunshot victims on the ground inside of the garage. they were taken to the hospital where one of them died. police say that there were actually five people shot here total. three others two men and one woman drove themselves to the hospital. >> everything right now is in the preliminary stages of the investigation. unknown as to who the suspect victims are, whatever
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transpired here. and what we're doing right now is trying to piece everything together. >> reporter: police have not released a motive behind the shooting and say they don't know who lives at that home. although they have recovered multiple shell casings, it's unclear just how many shooters there were. there have been no arrests and no suspect descriptions. police are still on scene collecting evidence. and this marks the city's second homicide of 2013. in vallejo, elissa harrington, kpix 5. the east bay this morning, two suspected bank robbers are in jail. chopper 5 over the easy 8 motel in newark. that's where police found the suspects following a holdup in fremont yesterday afternoon. one of the men surrendered shortly after officers arrived. it took about 5 more hours for negotiators to talk to the other man into giving up. a man is in critical condition after being shot by richmond police on nevin avenue in an apartment at 5 p.m.
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yesterday. police were called about a man with a gun. they shot him shortly after they got there. it's not clear what happened. the former l.a. police officer who police say murdered three people may be going to mexico. a security video shows dorn -- buying scuba equipment in torrence two days before the murder of a police captain's daughter and her fiance. an affidavit for an arrest warrant gives u.s. marshals the power to extradite him. and ate found his wallet and -- an agent found his wallet and i.d. card near the san ysidro point of entry. the world isn't happy about north korea setting off a nuclear underground test. cate caugiran has global reaction. >> reporter: this moving is causing dramatic ripple effects in the international community.
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even china is voicing opposition. the u.n. security council will hold a closed-door meeting to discuss the nuclear test. this test took place last night just before 9 p.m. eastern time. the u.s. geological survey said the blast had a magnitude of 4.7. a nuclear monitoring agent says the blast monday was twice as big as the last nuclear device the country tested in 2009. this morning we're learning that north korea says these tests were only a first response to so-called u.s. threats. north korean leaders are calling it self-defense and the nation warns of second and third measures if the u.s. maintains hostilities. the test has heightened tension in the region especially in japan and south korea. u.s. ambassador to japan met with japan's prime minister to reaffirm american support. >> the united states stand fast to the allies in the region.
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>> reporter: the president issued a statement this morning calling the tests provocative and says it threatens u.s. security and international peace. in his statement he says, the danger posed by north korea's threatening activities warrants further swift and credible action by the international community. the united states will also continue to take steps necessary to defend ourselves and our allies. >> reporter: experts say this timing is not coincidental. the test comes before president barack obama's state of the union address and just ahead of the birthday of former north korean leader kim jong-il. cate caugiran, kpix 5. the news out of north korea is expected to increase the significance of national security in president obama's state of the union address. but domestic issues will likely remain the focus of this evening's speech. the president is expected to call for more money for clean
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energy and manufacturing jobs. >> the core emphasis that he always placed in these big speeches remains the same and will remain the same, which is the need to make the economy work for the middle class, the engine that drives this country forward. >> the official republican response will come from u.s. senator marco rubio of florida. he is expected to emphasize the need for smaller government and less regulation. and some high-profile guests will be on hand for the state of the union address. they include tim cook, ceo of cupertino-based apple, invited by first lady michelle obama. several house democrats have invited people who have been affected by gun violence. among them, former arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords. musician and gun advocate ted nugent will be there a guest of republican congressman steve stockman of texas. kpix 5 will air the president's state of the union address live this evening starting at 6:00 followed by a special edition of kpix 5 news at 7:30. 5:07. how about another check of
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traffic and weather? are you ready for 70 degrees? >> i'm totally ready. >> me, too. but boy, usually get into april and start talking about that. this year we're getting it going early. but yeah, folks got some patchy fog out there right now. some of that along the coastline. valley fog. other than that good so far. haze in the area, temperatures still chilly inland. 35 degrees in concord. 34 in santa rosa. 46 in san francisco. and 34 degrees in livermore. high pressure system no threat of rainfall today and for the foreseeable future. just a strong dominant ridge. the jet stream staying well to the north will keep us dry and these temperatures very mild as we head toward the afternoon. averages today in the 50s and 60s maybe a little above average in santa rosa, about 64 degrees. about 62 in consumer report. 62 in santa monica. we'll talk about that coming up. >> we have an accident through the santa cruz mountains
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fortunately just so early and traffic is so light across the stretch of northbound 17 not much of a delay. one lane is blocked northbound 17. sounds like it's approaching that idylwild road exit so again heads up heading into san jose. in the next 40 minutes they are activating the metering lights which they set up last week on northbound 280ics 6 to 10 a.m. through downtown san jose finally being activated this morning. here's a look across the golden gate bridge where not too many cars on the road so far heading into san francisco. we saw them doing lane changes a while ago. lawrence mentioned patchy fog in the north bay valleys. heads up on 101 through santa rosa. that is traffic. back to you guys. >> thank you. a maritime safety group in the bay area may put new rules in place this week limiting ships from sailing under the bay bridge in foggy conditions. this will follow an accident last month when an empty tanker
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called the overseas reymar struck the base of a tower. now a working group of the harbor safety committee recommends barring ships from sailing north under the bay bridge when the visibility is a half mile or less. the coast guard is being sued by a bar pilot whose container ship struck the bay bridge causing a major oil spill. this was back in 2007. john cota of petaluma contends the coast guard tricked him into surrendering his mariners license and he wants it back. a federal investigation determined he failed to disclose he was on numerous prescription medications which may have been a factor in that crash. the los gatos town council voted to consider looking into ways to restrict retailers who want to sell guns in the future. but gun sales will continue at the store that began all the controversy. the debate began late last year after tell barry bonds sports opened on university avenue. the only retailer in los gatos to sell guns including assault rifles. >> there are plenty of places
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to purchase a weapon. the question is, why did we need to be one of those places? >> the only thing that stops a crazy man with a gun is a good guy with a gun. good guys can't get guns if they don't have stores like templar's to go to. >> the store's owner says he has received death threats. town officials say los gatos had no local restrictions on gun sales when templar sports applied for a business license last year. the store has complied with state and federal laws and will stay open dozens of city workers in san francisco are being investigated for sharing porn and gamblin on the job. employees allegedly used city computers to email porn to each other and visit online gambling sites. investigation is expected to take about two weeks. time now 5:11. let the speculation begin. who could be the next pope? >> plus, one in four of us has a mistake on our credit report. how you can check yours now and what you should expect if you
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find a mistake. >> and getting ready for the big party in the big easy. take a look. this is live a live look on bourbon street there. people are starting to gather. will the rain dampen all the fun? >> what's cool about your school? you can submit your nomination on our website,
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parties are just getting started. "s it is fast tuesday. take a look at some live pictures right now from new orleans where the biggest mardi gras parties are just getting started. this is a live look at bourbon street. just a few stragglers in the street there. but you can see the delivery trucks. they are getting ready for a major party. i would say maybe in about an hour or two. >> someone is homesick. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> whoo! >> there you go. that looks familiar. first it's the super bowl, now party-goers from all over the world are taking over new orleans for mardi gras. about a million people are filling the streets and balconies, some showing up hours ahead of the parade to
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grab a front row seat. >> going to get first row i don't want to be in the back i don't want to be stuck. >> there you go. five miles long and 27 floats in all throwing everything from beads to coins. people in the crowd just trying to catch a part of the big easy fun. and also constant crowd control for police, but for mardi gras vets you go with the flow. that's what you do there. you have so much fun. the success of a mardi gras parade is how much trash is collected the next day. that's how they measure the success. >> i think they did well. >> think so. >> i think she is homesick. >> i am. >> she is like a pro at this whole new orleans thing. >> i went to that bar and i know that restaurant. >> know it all. >> turn right at this corner. she has that place down! outside right now we are following breaking news in oakland. we are hearing of a power outage so this is in the redwood heights area of oakland. we just got off the phone with the oakland police department. at this point they can't confirm the number of outages in the area but the reason that the car hit the power pole and
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again that's in the redwood heights area of oakland. at the bay bridge toll plaza, it looks okay approaching the pay gates. once you get past the metering lights there is some roadwork on the incline section of the span. but again it's still early. it's not causing a delay. they are about to wrap that up any minute now. in the meantime, out to oakland a live look at the nimitz 880 as you pass the oakland coliseum and the oakland airport. so far, so good. they have been doing that widening project in the area overnight. it should have wrapped up and lanes should be open heading southbound into hayward. elsewhere more live traffic cameras and new metering lights. that's the big deal in san jose this morning. we'll have a live look coming up. in the meantime, it's those downtown san jose exits coming on or off 280 from 6 to 10:00 this morning, they are activating the metering lights. they installed them last week. this morning they are turning them on. we'll see what it does to the morning drive. northbound 17 approaching idylwild through the santa cruz mountains again we still had
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that one lane blocked heading into los gatos. golden gate bridge traffic looks okay. fog 101 through santa rosa visibility an issue. milpitas, everything is at the limit. as a check of your time-saver traffic. for more on your tuesday fog, here's lawrence. >> a bit of a sea breeze kicking in and some fog gathering at the coastline some of that pushing inside the bay. we also have some of the valley fog showing up, as well. out the door this morning, you may run in a couple of patches of fog early on. temperatures in the 30s and 40s this morning. by the afternoon should see sunshine in most spots temperatures in the mid-60s fairly mild in the valleys, 60s inside the bay and some 50s couple of patches of fog at the immediate coastline. but not bad. high pressure remains in place now in fact today kind of just sits overhead sending the jet stream to the north. tomorrow it will begin to strengthen when we expect the temperatures to start to crank up. so staying dry today mild days
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ahead. and some of these temperatures getting near 70 degrees as we round out the week. temperatures around the state you're looking at 60s in the central valley, 43 degrees in the high country, not a bad day to travel, 59 degrees in the monterey bay. around the bay temperatures as high as 62 in san jose, 57 degrees with fog into pacifica. 60s into the east bay and for the bay maybe mid-60s santa rosa 61 san francisco, and 63 degrees in oakland. next couple of days, a lot of sunshine coming our way, warming things up, maybe some 70s into thursday and friday. then cooling down a bit toward the weekend. by the way, don't forget, this thursday something is going on. i think it's valentine's day. >> nice for a lovely little stroll on valentine's day. >> or whatever you would like to do. lawrence, thank you. it is 5:19. new this morning, the vatican is acknowledging that pope benedict had secret surgery three months ago to replace a battery in a pacemaker. the pope plans to resign at the end of february and the vatican says that decision is not due
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to any specific illness. but an italian newspaper quotes advisors saying that after the recent surgery the pope refrequented whether he could continue. the cardinals have in several centuries picked a european priest. but now they are from all around the world including cardinals from canada, began in a and other worldwide countries. chuck hagel's nomination is being voted on today. the former senator from nebraska has been criticized by members of his own republican part for comments on israel and iran. if the committee approved hagel, his nomination would get a full senate vote or would need it. so how long has it been since you connected your credit report a while for me. >> i did mine a couple of weeks
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ago and found a mistake. something you might want to do to make sure your report is right. the federal trade commission says about 25% of consumers have an error in one of their credit reports. major credit agencies are not conducting investigations that are required. >> federal law says that if you believe that there is a mistake, they have an obligation to do a reasonable investigation. >> only about 20% of americans check their credit reports for errors. one site where you can do it for free i found a mistake but it takes a long time to fix coming up, the warriors have something new up their sleeves. >> plus an acrobatic dunk. a midair move that earned our play of the day coming up.
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you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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♪ yeeeowwww! ♪ ♪ hot mess hot mess hot mess ♪ ♪ you're a hot kind of love you set me on fire ♪ ♪ you spice up my night feed my every desire ♪ jack's one hit wonder is now a burger. the hot mess is loaded with spicy jalapeños, onion rings and gooey pepper jack cheese. ♪ you're a - a hot mess ♪ and that's how i met your mom. ♪ hot mess ♪ after starting the season with seven straight wins. it was a rough night in columbus for san jose goalie thomas greiss (grice). the blue let's talk hockey. the sharks are sinking fast after 7 straight wins to start.
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blue jackets peppered the goalie on the way to their loss. they will play the predators in nashville tonight. >> a fashion statement at the oracle arena. the warriors debuted their new jerseys yesterday. check them out. the shirts have sleeves which is a first in the nba. players will wear them three times this year and then donate them to the tour de france. >> i like the shirts but what about the shorts? >> the shorts arey funky with pinstripes. clippers and sixers with the play of the day. griffin is off to the rim and going to slam it home. mr. griffin take it over. ba-da-bing. stuffs it up and in. he finished with 20. chris paul had 21 and 11 assists. clippers beat the sixers 107- 90. on the road. >> is he a lefty? >> i do not know. but he can dunk either way.
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he's a big boy. >> obviously. 5:25 right now. pot, cash, guns and a gator. >> the northern california drug bust with some real teeth. >> one man shot dead in vallejo, four others injured. the search for the suspects. >> plus a new theory about where an ex-cop fugitive may be headed. the gear he bought that may explain his escape plan.
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♪ chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save.
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[ telephone rings ] good evening this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive. police are gathering after five people were sh >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. a violent and deadly night in vallejo. the evidence police are gathering after five people were shot. >> we are looking at some patchy fog around the bay area this morning. some much warmer days to come. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and some people are in the
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dark this morning in oakland. there are about 1,000 customers without electricity. more on that and the morning commute coming up. good morning, it's tuesday, february 12. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. one dead four others wounded in a shooting in vallejo last night and this morning, police are trying to piece together evidence. kpix 5 reporter elissa harrington is in vallejo this morning with an update. >> reporter: investigators have been out here more than more than nine hours focusing their efforts inside that garage. that's where two people have been shot. one has since died. police say five people, four men and a woman, who all appear to be in their 20s, were here on the 800 block of humboldt last night when they were shot. this happened around 8:30. police don't know how many shooters there were but they have found multiple shell casings scattered throughout the street near that home.
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neighbors called 911 last night after hearing those gunshots. and when officers got here they found two injured men inside of the garage. they were taken to the hospital where one died. the other three victims drove themselves to sutter solano hospital. >> everything right now is in the petaluma stages of the investigation. unknown as to who the suspect victims are, whatever transpired here. and what we are doing right now is trying to piece everything together. >> reporter: an officer i spoke with this morning said they are still piecing together the events that led to that shooting. they have made no arrests and have released no suspect description. in vallejo, elissa harrington, kpix 5. a five-hour standoff between police an bank robbers in newark ended with the suspect surrendering. this video from chopper 5 shows the easy 8 motel where the suspects in a fremont robbery barricaded themselves. one of the men gave himself up about 3:30 yesterday afternoon.
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it took about five more hours for negotiators to talk the other man into giving up. the search for that former l.a. cop accused of killing three people is shifting south of the border. video shows christopher dorner buying scuba equipment, taken in torrence two days before the murder of a police captain's daughter and her fiance. an affidavit upon an arrest warrant gives u.s. marshals to extradite him from mexico. it cites probable cause that dorner is headed there to avoid prosecution. he allegedly attempted to steal a boat in san diego saying he was going to mexico. dorner's wallet and i.d. card were found near an entry point into mexico. north korea says it's testing a smaller nuclear bomb, it's causing big ripples around the world. the u.n. security council holds an emergency meeting today and kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran is in our newsroom now with the latest on this developing
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story. >> reporter: good morning. we're learning this morning north korean leaders say these tests were only a fires response to u.s. threats. north korean leaders are calling it a self defensive measure and the nation warns of second and third measures that the u.s. maintains -- if the u.s. maintains hostilities. the test happened last night around 9 p.m. eastern time. the u.s. geological survey says the blast had a magnitude of 4.9. this test follows a successful launch of long-range ballistic missiles in december that many believe is capable of reaching the united states. experts say this timing is not an afterthought. the test comes before president barack obama's state of the union address and just ahead of the birthday of a former north korean leader kim jong-il. international analyst jim walsh calls this move tactical. >> the party was dead, dormant. no one cared about it. now they are trying to pump it up. but this is a military-first society. how do you because all that?
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i think to me that's the question going forward. >> reporter: the test heightened tensions in the area. neighboring neighbors like south korea and japan are on high alert. president obama issued a statement calling the latest nuclear test a threat to u.s. security and international piece. in his statement he says, "the danger posed by north korea's threatening activities warrants further swift and credible action by the international community. the united states will continue to take steps necessary to defend ourselves and our allies." as frank mentioned earlier, the u.n. security council will hold a closed-door emergency meeting this morning to discuss the nuclear test. reporting live in the newsroom, cate caugiran, kpix 5. the latest developments in north korea will likely make national security a bigger part of president obama's state of the union address. but domestic issues will probably be the main focus of tonight's speech. the president is expected to call for more money for infrastructure, clean energy, and manufacturing jobs.
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>> the president's principal preoccupation since he ran for this often beginning in 2007 has been, what we need to do to make our economy work for the middle class. >> the official republican response will come from u.s. senator marco rubio of florida. he is expected to emphasize the need for smaller government and less regulation. some high-profile guests will be on hand for the state of the union address. they include tim cook, ceo of cupertino-based apple, invited by first lady michelle obama. several house democrats have invited people who have been affected by gun violence. among them, former arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords. musician and gun advocate ted nugent will be there a guest of a republican congressman from texas. kpix 5 will air the president's state of the union address live this evening starting at 6:00 followed by a special edition of kpix 5 news at 7:30. it is 5:35. lawrence karnow is a little upset because the weather is
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too good right now. >> it's very nice. we are actually running below average now as far as rainfall is concerned just slightly but it's amazing because we started with so much rain earlier on. >> earlier we were at like 150%. >> then it all turned off. it's going to stay that way. enjoy the sunshine while we have it. it is going to stick around. a little patchy fog out there right now so something we haven't seen for a couple of days but even some of that sneaking inside the bay and some of the valleys, too. out the door still chilly in spots inland. 35 degrees in concord. 34 in livermore. 34 in santa rosa. 40 in san jose. high pressure really dominating our weather sending the jet stream well to the north so the storm track will remain that way it looks like for the remainder of the week as high pressure sits overhead and temperatures will be very mild to round out the week. about 62 in san jose, 63 sunshine into santa clara. 60s in toward the east bay. and as you make your way inside the bay a little cooler but not, 61 in san francisco, 59 in sausalito. more on your weather coming up. right now let's check on the
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roads with elizabeth. we have updated information about this power outage in the oakland hills. for a while almost 1,000 customers were without power. they have been able to restore power now to all but 33 of those customers. so that's great news. more people waking up with lights on this morning and we'll continue to watch it and let you know exactly what the cause is. we had heard initial reports from the oakland police department it was because of a car hitting a power pole. elsewhere we're watching this, city streets in san francisco. a car fire 15th street in alabama. not much of a traffic issue at this point. but we understand that one person was transported to the hospital with burn injuries. elsewhere down towards the south bay now, coming through the santa cruz mountains, northbound 17 approaching idylwild. we have an accident there in lanes for a while. as you make your way towards los gatos. that's a check of traffic. back to you guys. >> thank you. a maritime safety group may adopt new rules on thursday limiting the ships from sailing under the bay bridge in fog. this follows an accident last
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month when the empty tanker called the overseas reymar struck the base of a tower there. now a working group of the mar bore safety committee recommends barring ships from sailing north under the bay bridge when visibility is a half mile or less. a petaluma bar pilot whose container ship struck the bay bridge in 2007 is suing the coast guard to get his mariners license back. a federal investigation determined that john cota failed to disclose he was on numerous prescription medications, which may have been a factor in that crash. the accident spilled 53,000 gallons of oil into the bay killing almost 7,000 birds. and the countdown to the opening of the new bay bridge span is on. kpix 5 of course proud to be the official television station for the opening ceremonies in september. we'll keep you posted on planning for the big day, 202 days to go. and tonight be sure and tune into spanning the future, the new bay bridge, ken bastida and a team of reporters looking ahead to the labor day closure
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and the big grand opening planned. prime time half-hour special starts tonight at 10:30 right here on kpix 5. some other bay area headlines we're following this morning. there may be some travel headaches in richmond for the next couple of months. the tunnel on dornan drive is closed for emergency repairs plus work that was already planned. crews found some concrete failure inside the aging tunnel. until it's repaired, traffic will have to take other routes to point richmond and the miller knox regional shoreline. alameda county firefighters were not legally required to save a man who was trying to commit suicide by drowning. a judge dismissed a lawsuit against the city filed by the family of raymond dack. they say emergency workers were not trained in rescue and didn't have a boat for that situation. when police in fairfield raided a house they found drugs, money and guns.
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>> but never expected to find this. a 3-foot-long gator. police say the couple was running a marijuana grow operation there totaling more than 900 marijuana plants at the home on begonia boulevard. >> do you get the sense that this was for protection or this was a pet? >> it's hard to tell because of its size. it's certainly interesting to have it but i don't really know what their motive was to have it. >> besides the small gator, a number of firearms were found, $29,000 of cash and pot. the suspects face a number of drug and weapons charges. as for the gator, it's at the oakland zoo doing okay. >> that's good to hear. 5:40 right now. a real-life zombie attack that had people calling 911. >> he wants to be just like dad. the adorable distraction of the president's medal of honor ceremony coming up.
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but his adorable son stole the show. before president obama awarded romesha with the medal of h well, it may have been army staff sergeant clinton romesha's big award.
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he got the medal of honor. his son walked up to the podium trying to get the microphone. he ran right back up and wanted to fill his dad's shoes. he tried to sit in his chair and there goes dad. romesha received the medal of honor for his action in the 2009 firefight in afghanistan. what a cute little guy. >> i think he just wanted to give a speech. >> it remind me of rudy giuliani when he was sworn in as the new york mayor, he had a small son, he was doing faces while giving his speech. oh, my god. talk about stealing the show. the economy will be a central issue in tonight's big state of the union address. here with a preview of that, jill schlesinger, editor at large for >> what measures could the president do to boost the economy and jobs market? i'm sure a lot of measures are going to be listening to this. >> we'll get a renewed focus on
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green jobs, education, boosting the economy. these ideas should be taken with a grain of salt. remember anything that might help the economy or create jobs would require the government to spend money. but in less than three weeks, the government has to actually cut $85 billion worth of spending. that's known as the sequester. so ironically, if the president is going to discuss job creation, the pentagon is planning to cut 800,000 civilian worker hours by 20% and homeland security is about to slash a quarter of its total border agents. so really opposing ideas being introduced at the same time. >> is it possible the sequester won't happen? >> reporter: the president has been talking about the negative impact of this sequester and economists agree. they say these cuts will shave a .5% from growth thisser y that's significant. we are only growing by 2 to 2.5% but this is a hard part about debt reduction. figuring out how to dig out of
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the hole which would come at the expense of growth. >> how does the public weigh in on how to do that? >> reporter: we want it all not surprisingly. in a recent poll people say strengthening the economy and improving the jobs situation should be the top priority for the white house and congress. right? that was the same as four years ago. but reducing the budget deficit is moved up significantly on the public agenda. if you look at it now, we see 72% say reducing the budget deficit should be a top priority. that's up 19 points from four years ago. we want it both ways to reduce the deficit and want new spending. it's hard to balance. for a preview of the state of the union and analysis after the speech, going to be a long day for me today, go to >> it is. okay. hang in there. a lot on the plate. thank you, jill. san jose is the second
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wealthiest metro area in fact nation according to a new report from the census bureau. silicon valley ranks only behind bridgeport, connecticut. 16% of san jose area households make at least $191,000 a year. that's in the top 5% of income earners. other local metro areas in the rankings, san francisco-oakland at number 4, napa at 10th, and santa cruz at 11. silicon valley is represented on the list of the most generous americans. 82-year-old warren buffett is the nation's biggest giver, then mark zuckerberg and his wife of facebook and texas financiers john and laura arnold third, microsoft's co-owner paul allen and sergei brin is also on the list. >> lawrence? >> i have yet it make my millions. >> i'm shocked. >> i give what i can.
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absolutely. >> you should get paid extra for this week. >> i should. i'm giving plenty of sunshine around the bay area this week. we have a little more patchy fog right now. but we'll break that up. more sunshine coming our way. chilly inland, 30s and 40s. some of that fog a little thick in the north bay valleys. visibilities down to a half mile in the santa rosa area. this afternoon, mild temperatures with sunshine and temperatures running to mid-60s in some of the valleys. you will see 60s inside the bay and 50s at the coastline. mostly sunny maybe a lingering patch or two of fog. high pressure building in though and it remains in place. that is going to hold on in fact probably strengthen as we head toward tomorrow. we may begin to see an offshore wind so staying dry and some very mild days ahead especially in the latter part of the week. that's when temperatures could get fer 70 degrees. all right. for today, some morning low clouds possible delays because of that cloud cover at sfo. we are going to have to watch that. if you are traveling around the country could see some delays in houston with thunderstorms,
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a few clouds into denver, 43. 37 in chicago and 43 degrees but dry in new york. around the bay today we are looking at temperatures mainly in the 60s in the south bay, 50s at the coastline. the east bay maybe some mid-60s in the warmest spots. and then inside the bay we are looking at some 60s for highs, hazy sunshine into the afternoon. but warmer days ahead starting tomorrow and thursday and friday, maybe some of those temperatures up in the low 60s. staying dry right through the weekend. let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> thank you, lawrence. and a member of the kcbs phone force says this is is only in the beginning stages of being clear. if you are coming up through the santa cruz mountains it's been out there for a while. northbound highway 17 approaching idylwild. one car blocking the right lane so just a heads up you may see a little slowing now heading towards los gatos. also, just a few minutes from now they are going to be activating the new metering lights through downtown san jose. they are starting off just in the northbound lanes of 280 again that's from 6 to 10 a.m. this morning just for the morning commute. what we're really watching is
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that connector ramp from the guadalupe parkway to northbound 280. so could get busy across that stretch. we are going to have some live pictures close to san jose city college coming up in just a few minutes. in the meantime a live look across the golden gate bridge. no delay this morning getting into san francisco. looks good all across the span. lawrence mentioned it, some fog reported in some of the north bay valleys so we are hearing fog along 101 in santa rosa. elsewhere here's a live look at our traffic sensors beginning to pick up a little bit of slowing through the altamont pass. heading towards the dublin interchange, the bay bridge, so far easy ride getting in san francisco. that's traffic. back to you guys. thank you. new moons have been discovered around the planet pluto and now there's a contest if you would like to name them. the two small moons are being called p4 and p5 temporarily of course. the team at the seti institute in mountain view discovered them and the institute, which has the naming rights, is now opening up a contest for public voting on the names. anyone wanting to take part can
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go to the website, griego and karn no are karnow are leading the pack. >> it's considered a dwarf planet now. >> it has five moons. >> who knew. watch out for the zombie apocalypse. that was the warning broadcast in montana when a tv station's emergency alert system got hacked. >> authorities in your area have reported that the bodies of the dead are rising from their graves and attacking the living. follow the messages on screen. they will be updated as information becomes available. do not attempt to approach or apprehend these bodies as they are considered extremely dangerous. >> well, there you go. the montana television network says don't worry, there's no emergency. but police did get four 911 calls to see if it's true. >> i was going to say. >> people actually believed it. >> that would wake you up. >> huh? >> kind of like "war of the
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worlds." 5:51. mountain dew in the morning? the new breakfast drink with a whole lot of caffeine coming up. ♪ [ music ]♪ >> and concerts by the cliff. what this baby grand piano is doing on a bay area beach. ean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money - now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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come to jack in the box today and try the new hot mess burger that's loaded with spicy jalapenos, onion rings and gooey, pepper jack cheese. biggest parties is just getting started... take a look at some live pics here you go. tourists are making their way to the big easy where one of the biggest parties is just getting started. take a look at some live pictures right now. you're looking at bourbon street. the street i got very familiar with on my trip to new orleans. it is fat tuesday, everyone. about a million people are filling the streets and hotel balconies for parade floats, beads and, of course, a lot of fun. stay tuned for our live report
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at 6:15 on the mardi gras festivities and i have to tell you it is so much fun out there. you know, we went on the tail end of the mardi gras festivities. they had to split it in half because of the super bowl so we went to a few parades, collected beads. it is a family affair. you always think it's an adult themed party but i mean, of course, some of the parties are. >> a lot are. >> a lot of the kids they line up. >> that's what you said. you're going to bring your family there when you don't have to work. >> this is every kid's dream. soda for breakfast. new breakfast drink it's called kick-start. it's made with 5% juice and vitamins b and c along with an extra jolt of caffeine. still has that mountain dew
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taste. there are more than waves on the beach. a local artist has found a way to mix music with the sounds of nature. >> amaro fortissimo wheeled the piano it the edge of the cliff and is playing it at sunset. but the city says without a permit it has to go. >> kind of saying good-bye. thank you to all the people that have been around. it's been wonderful. >> fortissimo's final sunset performance is on friday night where he will then take the piano out on a boat and set it on fire as he plays one last time. >> a little dramatic but he is sending it off in style i guess. coming up, a surprise decision that removes one of
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the oldest olympic sports from the 2020 games. >> some new details about the pope' health, secret surgery. >> north korea carries out its most powerful nuclear test yet. this morning the country's warning to the u.s. >> we're following a deadly shooting in vallejo. one man's dead, four others injured. what police have pieced together so far.
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carries out its biggest nuclear test yet. the threat that >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald five people were shot in vallejo. the search now for a suspect. >> north korea carries out its biggest nuclear test yet. the threat that even stronger action might follow. >> a little patchy fog returning to the bay area. but we do have some warmer days ahead. we'll talk about that coming up. bay bridge starting to stack up a bit approaching the pay gates. we'll have a check of this plus the south bay commute all
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coming up. >> thank you, liz. good morning, everyone. it is fat tuesday. february 12. good to have you with us. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now is 6:00. some developing news in vallejo this morning. police are looking for the person who shot five people. >> one of the victims is dead and several others are seriously injured. elissa harrington is in vallejo with what we know so far. >> reporter: good morning. still a very active crime scene. now, last night, when police got out here they found two men suffering from gunshot wounds inside of that garage. around the same time though, three other people walked into sutter solano medical center also suffering from gunshot wounds. police determined they are related. so all five of those people received their injuries here last night. a man in his 20s died. three people d


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